I’ve been thinking on art lately. For years I’ve felt the essential nature of art without really being able to put a finger on why it seems so essential. Lately, I think a part of it has become clearer to me; art is about relating to other people – seeing things through their eyes. Couched in ridiculous fictional problems and silly fictional characters are deep feelings. Art is a safe place to express and experience deep feelings, without the pressure of sitting face to face with the person on the other end. So it is essential.
This Christmas, I hope you've enjoyed some art (music, movies, books, etc!). May your new year be filled with things to look forward to!
Even Spade and Reo look happy, see? 'Serene' was the descriptor my sister used. I think it suits.
Oh, also, I've found new amusement in time-lapse videos of my drawing process so beware. Could be more.